Monday, November 9, 2015

With Seth Rollins out, will the WWE run back to Cena?

One of the young stars in the WWE, Seth Rollins, wrecked his knee during WWE's tour of Europe. There's video, though I find it hard to watch (having had my own knee issues). First off, kudos to Rollins for completing the powerbomb on his opponent. That had to have been difficult. But what happens next?

First off, this isn't a Daniel Bryan situation. Knee injuries are pretty common, and Dr. James Andrews will repair Seth just fine. Complications can happen with any surgery, but it's highly unlikely.

But there is one big similarity with Daniel's situation - a title belt is involved. WWE has already announced its intention to hold a tournament for Seth's title and that opens up all sorts of possibilities. Does the Authority put its money behind someone like Rusev?  Does an anti-authority upstart like Dolph Ziggler overcome the odds to win? There are lots of good storyline possibilities, as Jim Ross points out in one of the links above.

Roman Reigns probably figures strongly in these plans. WWE seems determined to ignore the uneven crowd sentiment around Reigns and force-feed him to us as a hero. I really feel bad for him, because the crowd's reaction is more about perceived WWE preferences than his talent, energy, or mic skills. Hopefully, if he is pushed into the title, it'll include a heel turn. He could work with the Authority now, and eventually "see the light" and go back to being a face. But Reigns already gets plenty of air time. How about moving someone else to the spotlight?

Seth's injury is a perfect opportunity for the young stars who feel they aren't getting a push. The Triple H should encourage them to seize that brass ring. My preference would be to wait a couple weeks to start the tournament, allowing the talent to do some promos that could help prove their worth. Or some of them could seek council, maybe bringing in a Daniel Bryan to help them train for the tournament.

One thing WWE should NOT do is rush John Cena back onto the stage. He's just started taking some well-earned time off to do a fitness show. Their first inclination may be to go back to a sure thing - Cena brings attention, whether it's "Let's Go Cena" or "Cena Sucks". But time off can only help audiences connect more with Cena when he does come back. So WWE should avoid going back to the well.

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