Monday, March 7, 2016

Fallout 4 is missing one big thing

I've been playing Fallout 4 since it came out. So many quests, so many interesting conversations, relationships, radio stations to tune in to! And then there's building. I haven't even tried building on Spectacle Island yet, but I'm looking forward to it. There's just one thing that bugs me, one quirk that Bethesda could fix. And that's crafting. Specifically, weapon crafting.

Hey, it's a weapons workbench!
In Fallout 4, if you choose the right skills, you can make any normal weapon that you can find in the wilderness. All you have to do is find a weapons bench, and have the necessary materials,
and voila!  Your own tactical calibrated 10mm pistol. Just like you could find out in the world.  You can probably see where I'm headed with this.

I made that in Fallout 4.

Now, there ARE some really special, unique weapons in the game. They're called legendary weapons, and they fall into two general categories. First, there are special weapons created by the game's brilliant crafters and collectors. Like the fellow to our right, Barney Rook. Barney made a special sniper rifle that he named Reba. And he makes you one called Reba II if you're nice to him. It does extra damage to mirelurks and bugs.  And he's not alone - the Institute has a special weapon in stock, I suppose it's created by their research folks.  Tinker Tom makes the Tinker Tom Special, and you can even get a nice weapon called the Wazer Wifle from somebody named Shaun.

The other general category of legendary weapons are those you find as drops from legendary monsters. They're random, so an extra-powerful bloatfly might drop a pistol that fires an extra projectile. SWEET! Or it might do more damage to humans, or extra critical damage, or whatever. To get a gun that does what you want, all you have to do is keep killing legendary creatures until your desired weapon drops. Here's a list of all the effects.

Wait, WHAT? So, I can invest a bunch of skill points in crafting, but if I want to get a unique weapon, I have to farm for it? Yup. Now, you CAN upgrade legendary weapons. But you can't create anything unique, or create a legendary effect on a weapon yourself. And it's a shame, because I'd definitely love to complete a series of quests to create a legendary effect.

How cool would that be? Instead of hoping for a Legendary Radstag to drop the shotgun that fires explosive rounds (highly recommended). Why not let me MAKE it? I already do all sorts of fetch quests for special technology. Just add a series of fetch quests with Tinker Tom, or Sturges, or Arturo in Diamond City.  The specific quests could be tied (and levelled) to the ability you're trying to add. So creating a gun that shoots an extra bullet might require a visit to ArcJet Systems, then a trip to Fort Hagen. Or a special laser ability might need a piece from a crashed space ship, or a long-forgotten piece of gear in a sunken ship. Or in a hut in the Glowing Sea.

Bethesda already has the list of weapon effects, and making new radiant quests shouldn't be that difficult. Allowing us to create our own special weapon would make that crafting skill pay off, and end our reliance on farming. Further, it would mean my level 70, max intelligence Sole Survivor can finally be as creative as Barney Rook.


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